2015 LLF Michigan Beginning Teacher Professional Development Grant
Emma Bertin is the recipient of the Beginning Teacher Grant for the 2015 winter/spring cycle. She is a third grade teacher in Taylor Exemplar Academy and elected to attend the MRA 2015 Annual Conference.

2015 LLF Michigan Beginning Teacher Professional Development Grant.
Aimee Conant is the 2015 the Summer/Fall cycle Beginning Teacher
Grant recipient. Aimee is a first grade teacher at Adams S.T.E.M. in

2015 LLF Michigan Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Grant.
Alicia Morey and Laura Hillock are Lead Teachers at the YMCA Early Childhood Development Center in Marquette, MI who attended the Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children (MiAEYC) 2015 Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, MI.
A special thanks to Marquette County Steelworkers Coalition for assisting with the expenses of these Marquette County recipients .
2014 Professional Learning Team Grant.
Inland Lakes Elementary School received a Professional Learning Team Grant. The teachers will be attended the MiELA Reading Workshop Training in Lansing, Michigan this summer. They will work closely with Literacy Coach and District English Language Arts Chair, Kimberly Blumke, who will meet with grade level teams to assist them in preparing for the implementation of Reading Workshop in the fall.
From Left: Susan Galacz (Kindergarten Teacher), Kimberly Blumke (Literacy Coach/District ELA Chair), Susan Collins (Special Education Teacher), Laura Hall (First Grade Teacher).
2014 LLF Michigan Beginning Teacher Professional Development Grant
sponsored by MEEMIC Insurance Company
Kevin English — High School English Teacher, Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Carol Van Hoosier — English Teacher, Concord Academy, Petoskey
2013 Professional Learning Team Grant Recipients!
Wood School, the Bangor Township School District one-room school in Van Buren County, and Wolverine Elementary School each received a $800 LLF Professional Learning Team Grant to attend the June 2013 Michigan English Language Arts Conference sponsored by the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA). The grants required two or more educators (one an administrator) to develop, implement and evaluate a literacy based project over the course of 2013-2014.
Wood School. Pictured here are: Karen Saffell, Tonda Boothby, Van Buren ISD representative, and Connie Hollis.
Wolverine Elementary School. Pictured above are Jennifer Sumbera, Tammy VanAntwerp, Holly St. Amour and Stephen Seelye (principal).
Here are the 2013 grant recipients who attended the Michigan Reading Association conference.
Beginning Teacher Grant Recipients 2013 3 Beginning Teacher recipients. All 2013 grant recipients. 2 Educator in New Role recipients.
Megan D.– Waterford Public Schools
McKenzie T. — Waterford MI, Waterford Public Schools
Kristi Z. — Wayland Public Schools
Educator in a New Professional Role Grant 2013
Kimberly B. — Inland Lakes Schools
Shannon S. – – Southgate Community Schools
Athena T. — Berkley School District
Grant recipients reflect on the MRA Annual Conference.
Literacy Legacy Fund Members and 2013 Grant Recipients
Recipients of the LLF Michigan 2013 Educator in a New Professional Role Professional Development Grant sponsored by Zaner-Bloser Company.
“The whole atmosphere of being with other teachers working to be the best they can be makes me proud of the profession I chose years ago and still love every day! Meeting new people, learning from others and having the opportunity to attend the conference because I was graciously awarded this grant to cover costs for my attendance, allowed me to have an experience that will not only help me grow, but my students as well.”
Athena T.
Recipients of the LLF Michigan 2013 Educator in a New Professional Role Professional Development Grant sponsored by Zaner-Bloser Company.
“Attending the Michigan Reading Association Conference is a fantastic way to get new ideas and remind one of older, proven ideas. It is an amazing experience to be surrounded by so many professional who dedicate their lives to teaching children. I have a great passion for learning about reading instruction and how to best use the latest research to help students become the best readers they can be and to truly realize the enjoyment that reading can bring a person. I truly appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the Michigan Reading Association and their annual conference.”
Kimberly B.
Recipient of LLF Michigan 2013 Beginning Teacher Professional Development Grant sponsored by MEEMIC Insurance Company.
“Each session I attended provided valuable insight that both challenged and extended my current practice while supporting the meaningful work that is already taking place in my classroom. I am thankful for the opportunity to attend the 2013 MRA conference and excited to see my students continue to be challenged and grow as a result of my new professional learning.”
Megan D.
Recipient of LLF Michigan 2013 Beginning Teacher Professional Development Grant sponsored by MEEMIC Insurance Company.
“I feel privileged to have spent the weekend in Grand Rapids, MI at the 2013 Michigan Reading Association’s annual conference. I feel even luckier to have been awarded the Literacy Legacy Fund’s Beginning Teacher Grant. The things I learned from various speakers throughout the weekend are invaluable to my work in the classroom. I am excited to try out more of the strategies I learned about at MRA in the upcoming weeks in my classroom.”
McKenzie T.